
The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program's Next Chapter

Created by The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program

A limited-time storefront of exclusive items and experiences to fund the next installment of the Lovecraftian RPG audio drama.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Thu Jan 5 '23 Announcement
over 1 year ago – Thu, Jan 05, 2023 at 10:57:42 AM

Hello and Happy New Year, illustrious backers! It's Cat, back from a much-needed break, here to update you on our plans and schemes regarding the campaign.

But first! Here's something fun and relevant I did over the holidays. I was in Louisville, KY and went to the Speed Art Museum to check out a staggering touring exhibit of work by Alphonse Mucha. Mucha is the art nouveau artist and his work has been a huge influence on me - including my design work on printed Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program materials. 

Cat posing with an original publication of Alphonse Mucha's Le Pater.

Above is me posing with an original copy of Le Pater, one of Mucha's most haunting works. It's got a Mystery Program link: Thomas Negovan, who covered "Welcome to My Nightmare" on wax cylinder, which was played in the first episode of "The Black Birth", restored Le Pater and published an incredible book archiving and exploring it. 

It was awesome to behold so many of Mucha's original prints in their true scale and metallic inks, but the most special thing was seeing his original sketches up close -  getting to look at his line work with pencil and inks, and gaining a sense of his process and technique. But most relevant to Mystery Program was getting a look at unassuming things like this...

Mucha's cover for the first L'Estampe Moderne folio, featuring an illustration of a woman holding a pen and a number of swooping art Art Nouveau design flourishes and fonts.

...Which gives me ideas for layout and font choices in our RPG scenario books. 1897 is far afield from our late '20s setting, but there's notions to be gleaned regardless.

Now, speaking of RPG books etc, here's what's to come:

RPG Scenarios

Our first order of business is fulfilling crowdfunding rewards, which includes prepping the Beta Edition of "The Terrible Secret of Lot X"'s RPG scenario for distribution to you folks through DriveThruRPG.

Next is the final design and assembly of "Lot X" scenario for publication. This is going to establish the design template for our RPG books going forward. I'm a professional graphic designer, fluent in much of Adobe, but I haven't spent a lot of time with InDesign, their book layout program. Learning that program could take a little while, and the project will be better for it.

Now, it should be noted here that since we didn't meet our goal, our ability to fund the creation of an RPG book for "The Case of the Penumbral Gate" isn't guaranteed. Obviously we want to. Maybe the "Lot X" book will do well and it'll fund the production expenses for the next one. Time will tell, but regardless I need to make sure the design for the first one is on point and if there's any additional installments, my job will be much easier and future books could come faster.

The Podcast

As you may have heard in our feed, we made it official: "The Case of the Penumbral Gate" is happening.

With modifications to our plans, and continued support through Patreon, we'll be able to make this next series… it’s just going to take some time. How much time exactly, we don't know yet. It depends in significant part on funding via Patreon and continued growth of our listenership. (There are ways to help with that, which we'll discuss below). We're taking the production of "Penumbral Gate" in stages and with each stage we'll evaluate our budgetary needs and proceed accordingly, to stretch your dollars (and any additional funds we've picked up along the way) as far as we can.

"Penumbral Gate" is our #1 focus - however, we've got a scheme we're hatching. If things go according to plan, we'll be able to backdoor the expanded redux of "The Black Birth" into being as well. A certain world-weary police detective from "Black Birth" is returning in "Penumbral Gate" and that gave us the notion that, if we cast versatile actors, they can play different parts across the two stories. That means a smaller cast, getting paid more to flex their range, more economic recording practices, more bang for your bucks. As far as production goes, "The Black Birth" will be sound designed by Colin Peterson, who did that series originally and all our work to date, and "Penumbral Gate" will be done by another party (we know who, but we can't say for certain until we've locked a schedule). Since they're being done by two different people, they can be worked on simultaneously.

Why is "Black Birth" important enough that we attempt this? A couple reasons.

We've still got new stories we want to tell, but if "The Case of the Penumbral Gate" ends up being the last word from Mystery Program, I'd like for the whole show at large to be a unified work we can be proud of. I love "The Black Birth", however it has some significant problems (see the FAQ section of this IndieGoGo for elaboration). It's connected to everything we've done, we've got something new to say with it, and I think we can say that without too much extra fuss. It seems worth reaching for.

I've been sketching out the scripted expansions for both stories for a while now and will begin writing in ernest once we've got the "Lot X" scenario in the can.

In Summation

We’ve got to take things slowly, plan carefully, adapt, and use the extra time to make up the rest of the money needed to finish this project, taking the creation of the next season in stages, setting certain funds aside, building it up, piece by piece, and seeing how far we can get. But, barring no additional massively disruptive global upheavals, I’m confident that the space between seasons will be shorter than last time. We’re an indie studio, we’re used to being scrappy with our resources and coming up with workarounds. 

Ways to Help

You've already helped so much! The simplest but most important additional thing we could ask is to spread the word about the show!

Sharing the show with people you know who you think would like it is ENORMOUS. The more our listenership grows, the more our Patreon is likely to grow, the more funding and opportunities we have to work with,  the more likely it is that we’ll be able to make the next season faster and hopefully keep going afterwards.

Rating and reviewing us on Apple Podcasts and Podchaser is a huge help to - and perfect if you're not sure who to recomend us to.

Look for a message from Backerkit sometime this month, regarding your rewards. We'll send out a notice here too, and keep you amazing folks abreast of all additional updates as the work continues. In the meantime, maybe join us on Discord?



Tue Nov 29 '22 Announcement
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 29, 2022 at 12:11:50 PM

The AUdio Verse Awards 2022 Logo

Outstanding backers of occult audio opulence! You've done so, so much for us over the past month - we were wondering if you might be able to do one more thing for us.

Thanks to an initial listener voting process, The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program, "Night at Howling House" has been nominated for eight Audio Verse Awards!

However, there's a final round to see who'll take it home!

Voting is now through December 5th!

Head to for our handy-dandy voting page.

Vote Mystery Program and ensure that our cast and crew are recognized for their outstanding work. 

This stage of voting is a hassle. There’s a lot to sort through and it only really works on a desktop browser. It would mean so much to us if you’d give a little of your time. The above-link goes to a how-to page we've built to help make the process faster and easier.

Thank you so much for supporting this show, and for being a part of bringing the darkness to light.



Thu Nov 24 '22 Announcement
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Nov 24, 2022 at 12:21:17 PM

Whew! Folks! Fiendish Friends! Thank you!

The campaign is now complete at 53% and just over $8.5k. This is an achievement.

Setting out for this crowdfunding, even with all our research, comparison and consulting with other crowdfunded audio dramas and roleplaying projects, we couldn't really know what to expect until we'd tried. As with all things we do, The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program is a freaky hybrid. It's an audio drama, it's an RPG, we're funding podcasts, we're funding books, our genres hop around, our stories change but are interconnected with each other, and Lovecraft, and... it's a lot.

You folks showed up for our horrific hodgepodge. You showed up so us weirdos could tell more strange stories made in strange ways... and we're so, so grateful.

As I said in yesterday's update, at 50%+ I think it's safe to say that, with modifications to our plans and continued support through Patreon, we'll be able to make the next season. This coming Wednesday, Doug Banks (Omniverse Programming Director), Jessica Mudd (Project Manager), and I are meeting up to recalibrate our plans, adjust for the new budget, and see what takes shape.

Fulfillment is the first order of business - next up we'll be reaching out to you all individually to distribute the first wave of digital perks and collect additional data (confirming accreditations, sending out Mystery Box surveys, etc). And if anyone wants to add on additional Black Market items, I believe you'll be able to as a part of this process.

My brain is fried to a crisp from months straight of intensive, daily work on the dual push of this campaign and "Night at Howling House". It's not in my nature, but I've promised to take some much needed time to recalibrate and recover through the end of the year and over the holidays.

The next major project for me is finalizing "The Terrible Secret of Lot X" beta release, which is entirely written, just in need of an additional editorial pass. Then I'll work on the layouts for the print/digital versions. (Hello, I'm the visual design lead for all our projects too.) We'll be in frequent communication regarding project development and reward fulfillment. You can always reach out to us via messaging on IndieGoGo, at [email protected], or via Discord where many of the cast and crew hang out and Keeper Luke is always ready to dish out arcane lore and RPG advice.

For those of you celebrating Thanks or Friendsgivings, we wish you a happy one. Today, our thanks resides squarely with you incredible folks. Thanks to you, our uncanny mysteries will persevere and together we'll join as a chorus in the maddening call... of Cthulhu. 




Wed Nov 23 '22 Announcement
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 03:51:53 PM

[Note: Backers you're not seeing double. This is a slight edit of the prior update. There's no spell check in IndieGoGo and there were typos that were costing me sanity points. I've fixed them and adjusted this update slightly to reflect the new percentage.]

Hello everyone and greetings new backers! Thank you so much for being here. 

Here we stand, twelve hours out from campaign completion, just shy of 50%, and that's a-okay. That's great, in fact. It's workable. There's a lot of growth that can statistically happen for a crowdfunding campaing in the final days and hours. Help us make that final push and see where we land? Maybe there's a Summoner out there, waiting for the call... of Cthulhu.

This is a sticky day for social networking, what with the holiday in the US of A tomorrow, but if you're able and so inclined, please consider sharing our campaign any way you can. A show as unique as ours isn't likely to be made by any force other than fan support. We're so greatful that you've invested in independant artists and the passion for stories and storytelling outside the usual mold.

A haunting landscape at night, at the center is Arkham Asylum, the moon overhead... or is it? Somethng strange is afoot.

I'm optimistic about the outcome. There's numbers to crunch and budgets to shuffle, so time will tell - but this campaign started asking the question of whether or not another season could be funded at all. At 50% I think it's safe to say, with modifications to our plans and continued support through Patreon, we'll be able to make the next season. It's more of a matter of timing and resources. As an indie show that has historically had long gaps of time between seasons, we want to close that gap. Making this campaign goal would do that. Not making the goal, but reaching a substantial percentage, means that the production stretches out, but at this point we can get started.

We've made seasons for much less in the past, but they've relied (in part) on pro-bono work from passionate creators, which is something that we don't want to do. So we'll take our time. We'll do this right. We'll find funds. We'll make dark pacts. (Any grant writers out there? There's historical research we want to do!)

We'll tell this story. And we'll see what strange aeons await us in the shifting sands of tomorrow.

Anjana and Estelle, illustrated by Jarrod Pope. Anjana wears a blue dress and cloche hat, while Estelle smokes, wearing green robes.

If there's a holiday you're celebrating this weekend, I hope it's a lovely one - Safe and light on the stress.



Tue Nov 15 '22 Announcement
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Nov 15, 2022 at 03:27:34 PM

One more quick update today! Our friends Walter Sickert and the Army of Broken Toys have some spectacular shows coming up. If you're in the Boston area this month, come out and bask in their haunted and beautiful vibes - three performances to choose from across November 18th-19th at Crystal Ballroom.

A digital flier for  It's time again for SOMETHING STRANGE - Walter Sickert and the Army of Broken Toys' LIVE MUSIC and Burlesque tribute to the NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS - Nov 18th and 19th.

If this band sounds familiar it might be because 1) you've heard them multiple times on The Call of Cthulhu Mystery Program before or 2) you've read up on our stretch goals.

Walter Sickert and the Army of Broken Toys is an 8-piece ensamble that makes beautiful, chaotic, genre-hopping, socially-conscious, irreverent music - our creative ethoses are very aligned. If you enjoy our show there's a good chance you'll love this band. Check out their music on Bandcamp and if you're in Boston this weekend, come see them live in their beloved annual performance of Something Strange: a live music and burlesque tribute to The Nightmare Before Christmas.

There's one show on Friday the 18th, and two on Saturday the 19th - one of which is a kid-friendly matinee. (All of the shows are all ages, but that one is a little less revealing).

A group photo of Walter Sickert and the Army of Broken Toys

What's stretch goal we're gunning for with the band?

Some very special and haunting moments happen in “The Case of the Penumbral Gate” and they’d be absolutely stunning if they were punctuated by original songs. Our first stretch goal is to commission the band to write and record two new tracks. Maybe you're familiar with the final moments of "The Terrible Secret of Lot X" and if so you may have an idea of the kind of thing we have in mind. Music is magic, and when Estelle and Anjana are involved, there's always both music and magic in the air.

More soon. ?